
The Online Community of Changemakers is a virtual forum open to anyone from an insular religious group (IRG) who identifies as a changemaker and wants to challenge the status quo.

We aim to convene activists from across the country who can benefit from learning about one another’s work—and easily connect them through Google Groups! The online forum and virtual meetings provide a critical and designated space for IRG disaffiliate leaders to exchange ideas, share resources, and collaborate.

Disaffiliates participating in our meetings are from vastly different backgrounds, including Christian Scientist, Muslim, Evangelical, ultra-Orthodox Jewish, Hare Krishna, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. We welcome individuals of all backgrounds who desire to advance the rights of individuals raised in insular religious communities.

The Online Community of Changemakers is managed and facilitated by Lindsay Rodriguez, who is an IRG disaffiliate (Evangelical) and passionate activist for religious freedom, gender equality, and international human rights.

Our Next Events

Mastering the Media: Tell Your Story While Protecting Yourself
Wednesday, June 26, 4:30-6 pm eastern time
Do you want to tell your story to the media while maintaining your boundaries? In “Mastering the Media: Tell Your Story While Protecting Yourself,” you will learn tips and strategies for assessing journalists, ensuring that your words are not misunderstood, and putting up safeguards to protect yourself. You will also have the opportunity to share your experiences with your colleagues and ask questions. 
RSVP: This event is exclusively available to members of our Changemakers community. Our Online Community of Changemakers is a virtual forum open to anyone who identifies as an individual from an insular religious group (IRG) and a changemaker working to challenge the status quo for IRG disaffiliates. To join our Changemakers community,  sign up here.
Changemakers’ Fundraising Workshop
Thursday, July 25, 4:30-6 pm eastern time
Speaker: To be announced soon!
Starting to fundraise for the first time and wondering where to start? Looking for tips to take your fundraising to the next level? Save the date for a workshop focused on fundraising for your cause!
RSVP: This event is exclusively available to members of our Changemakers community. Our Online Community of Changemakers is a virtual forum open to anyone who identifies as an individual from an insular religious group (IRG) and a changemaker working to challenge the status quo for IRG disaffiliates. To join our Changemakers community, sign up here.
Approaches to Changemaking: Making Your Idea Possible
Thursday, August 29, 4:30-6 pm eastern time 
Speakers: Shirlee Draper, RAR Forum Borgenicht Fellow and director of operations at Cherish Families and Mike McCorckle, attorney and program director of Rocky Mountain Political Law Institute
Thinking of starting a new organization or initiative but don’t know where to start? Should you incorporate it as a nonprofit? How do you take your big ideas and make them a reality? How do you prioritize when you have limited resources? Join two IRG disaffiliates who have been where you are, part of the early days founding organizations that are now established nonprofits making a difference for IRG disaffiliates. Come with your questions and big ideas to discuss! This is a great opportunity to get feedback and share ideas. 
RSVP: This event is exclusively available to members of our Changemakers community. Our Online Community of Changemakers is a virtual forum open to anyone who identifies as an individual from an insular religious group (IRG) and a changemaker working to challenge the status quo for IRG disaffiliates. To join our Changemakers community, sign up here.